Project Review

I feel this collaboration has worked well. We each took a role (Sarah, costume and Hannah, Packaging) Which meant we were able to both work on an area. 

The outcome is something I would like to take further and continue to user test and work on. When the project began we were trying to redesign Barbie, however through our research we came across both girl and boy stereotypes which finally led to the outcome of reversible dress up. 

Some more user testing

I carried out further user testing with Lana aged 5. Being slightly older Lana was comfortable to play with the costume and have me photograph it. The outcome was interesting, Lana wanted to combine different sides of the outfit and be half ‘action man’ and half fairy.

Final Prototypes of Costume

The final prototypes are shown below, they have been altered slightly, the new costume is made for a 5 year old. The pink costume has crystals scattered on keeping the design a little more simple  and the boys costume has details on the back of the jacket which an embroidery machine was used for. I applied less organza to the girl costume so it wont be so uncomfortable to wear on the reverse.


Project Review

The presentation for the Formative was a success, we presented the prototype, some research and the outcome of Grace with the product.

I would like to work on a second prototype with a few changes. There were too many twirls on the pink costume meaning when Grace wore it she trod on them and some tore off. Also they may feel too harsh on the skin when the green costume is being worn. I also feel there was too much tack on the pink costume and little detail on the green costume.

User testing



We took the prototype to 3 year old Grace to see which options she would choose and how she would react to the costume. It was presented to her in both boxes and she opted for the pink box. When asked if she wanted to try the other side of the costume she said no.

We found Grace to be very shy when we were there, and it took a long time for her to sit in the same room as us. This shows us that next time it may be best for us to hand the product to the childs parents and ask them to record for us.

First costume prototype

First costume prototype

This side shows the first prototype for the boys costume.

First prototype of costume

First prototype of costume

This image shows the first prototype of the costume I made for the Formative assessment

This is the girls side of the costume.





We intend to package the same costume in two different boxes which play to each gender. This misleads the buyer (i.e.the parent) and makes them think that they are purchasing a typical gender based toy, when in fact a secret lies inside, leaving the choice entirely up to the child. This could also allow for reversible packaging.


Finalising design ideas for costume

Finalising design ideas for costume

Sketches showing the two different sides of the costume. Working with polar opposites in terms of colours and textures.